10 October, 2010

Hello Again, Go Vap!

It's been far too long. 

I have spent the past 4 months or so, devoting my heart, time and energy towards myself. Sorting myself out, figuring out what things I needed to add or remove from my life to be happy and getting a handle on teaching yet again. 

I've discovered that I LOVE teaching preschool. When I do return to the States I will be a preschool or kindergarten teacher for sure. I've also re-discovered my passion for rock climbing. A hobby that reminds me who I am. 

I've agreed to start leading a group of volunteers to Go Vap every Saturday morning, this week was the first trip and unfortunately I was the only one who showed up! It's partially my fault because I only agreed to it half way through the week and also there were two other people that were planning on going that bailed out... 

However, it was still an amazing trip.  Was able to feed a few precious babies and play with some happy little toddlers. I can't wait for this to start becoming a part of my weekly routine. Just being there fills my heart with complete happiness and an array of emotions. 

Here's a few from this weeks trip: 

Looking forward to many more visits and more volunteers to share it with! 

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