07 May, 2010

A good day.

Today is a good day. 

I met up with a friend of a friend. A friend I've met in person only once, but have been in contact with for several years over the internet. One who I've shared stories with and kept contact with through it all. 

She's no longer a friend of a friend. She is one of the best friends I will ever have. She is a soul mate. 

Talking to her was such a breath of fresh air that I immediately felt at peace. I feel honored, and thankful to have met such a kindred spirit, and in Vietnam no less! She's from Minnesota, and has lived in SoCal on and off for years. Currently she resides in the Philippines. 

We only spent a few hours together and it was terribly hard to say goodbye. However, I had that calming feeling like it wasn't goodbye- it was more like 'see you later'. 

I look forward to meeting up with her at several different places in the world, at several different times in our lives. She's a beautiful person inside and out. 

After having such a great afternoon, I spent the early evening hours researching different orphanages and ways to volunteer. The opportunities are of course endless.... now I have to decide where to start! I hope to return to GoVap next week, and then on to new places. 

Now, with a beer by my side, pinback playing in the background, I'm reading a very inspiring book. Linh is also reading, while she cooks dinner for us both. 

I am exactly where I should be. 

1 comment:

  1. I had a lot of love in my heart for you far before one of my favorite days in SE Asia.. see you soon, i know it!
